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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance, as a medical term, generally refers to a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the energy frequencies of biological systems.

This term covers a range of techniques and devices aimed at assessing and correcting health status using frequencies of cellular or bioelectrical activities in the body. However, the term bioresonance can sometimes also refer to some alternative medicine practices that are not fully supported scientifically or differ from traditional medical methods.

Bioresonance therapy can be defined as a type of alternative medicine that tries to treat health problems by trying to correct energy imbalances in the body. In this method, cellular frequencies in the body are measured and the aim is to correct imbalances in the body by using energy signals appropriate to these frequencies.

Where are usage of Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a method used in the field of alternative medicine and is recommended for the diagnosis and treatment of various health problems.

However, scientifically sound evidence for its use in these areas is often lacking and is not considered to be in line with the standards of conventional medicine. Here are some uses of bioresonance:

General Health Assessment: Bioresonance aims to evaluate general health status by measuring energy frequencies in the body. This involves an approach that attempts to identify and correct energy imbalances in the body.

Allergy Treatment: Some bioresonance devices can be used to reduce sensitivity to allergens. However, there are uncertainties about the scientific validity of the studies conducted for this purpose.

detoxification: It is claimed that bioresonance can be used to help clear toxins from the body. However, this claim is not scientifically supported.

Energy Balancing: Bioresonance may aim to optimize energy flow by focusing on correcting energy imbalances in the body. However, debate continues over the scientific basis of such claims.

Electromagnetic Susceptibility: Some people claim to experience sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Bioresonance may be recommended as a treatment to reduce such sensitivities.

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